Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Cheerleader

Possibly seemingly contrary to the path I've chosen with my training and coaching, I would say one of the best things your can do for yourself as a runner is to surround yourself with like-minded people.

That is not to say everyone should run along to their nearest running club - some people thrive outside traditional structures.  But a group of people to share the training load with can lighten that load considerably.

The banter (good and bad) within a group can be a great driver and motivator. As well as encouragement, it can be necessary to stay grounded when the Ego starts running away with itself. Your training buddies can always be relied on for that! However, within your group there is possibly one or two that are your biggest training asset.

This entity is so precious it is worth more than solid Gold. I'm talking about the Cheerleader.
These people are relentlessly positive about your training. They’ll seemingly whoop for joy when you have a good session, drag you up by the shoulders when things seem to go badly and seem to have never-ending armfuls of expectation and optimism when it comes to your future.

It takes a while (well it’s taken me a while) to realise that this praise is sincere and heartfelt. It’s possible to gain amazing strength from it.

I've been very lucky to have had (and continue to have) some great cheerleaders in my life. Of course, it doesn't only apply to training and sport, we can have Cheerleaders in many areas of our professional and personal lives.

This post is to say a big thank you to those. There can be so much negativity in training and sport (I'm looking at you ‘too cool for school’ crowd).  Your input is greatly appreciated, especially at the times I probably don’t deserve it.

Once in a while, have a look around. Who is your cheerleader? When you work it out, make sure you thank them.