However, you also meet another type of character whose nature isn’t quite so positive. I’m sure you’ll have met them – The Tomorrow People.
These are the guys for who ‘Tomorrow’ is always a step away. Rather than getting stuck into training and the improvements it brings, they will be announcing to all that their drive for success “will start tomorrow”. Most usually, this start will be some point in a few days time. Interestingly, this is rarely a Monday but a often random day of the week, with which they will turn over a new leaf.
Except ‘Tomorrow’ rarely happens. The fact that there are a few days before the big start, usually allows enough time for the person to convince themselves that "there really isn’t time for all this training". "That knee niggle seems to have got worse" they will tell themselves. "It’s a bit dark at this time year, a couple of months (aka “Tomorrow”) and it will be lighter and better for training". As so this continues and "Tomorrow" becomes "never"
The ‘Tomorrow’ People will have brought all the supplements money can buy, after all they can make Tomorrow into Today without all that hard work! Of course they’ll buy them! Along with the latest exercise techniques such as“ extreme hard combat 90Z”, they will be poured over, and promises made to start it “Tomorrow”.
The prime breeding ground of the Tomorrow People is Saturday night. Promises will have been made on various Social Media sites about that 18-miler that is going to kick start the training on the Sunday morning, despite the fact that no more than 5 miles has been run in the previous 6months. Early evening, a Tweet appears
8pm: “Have been convinced to have a quick drink, early night for me though”
10pm: “Staying for last orders, beer tastes nice”
10.59pm: “Being taken to a club, #cantendwell Will still run tomorrow”
1am: “Banging tunes in here #oioi”
4.30am: “How has this kebab fallen into my hands?”
10am: “Uuurrrgh run will have to wait, I need a fry-up”
And so the cycle continues and “Tomorrow” never comes. Before I get accused too much of demonization, I’ve been known to be a Tomorrow Person myself. Currently can’t seem to motivate myself to do the core exercises I know I need. Until I truly want to change, I shall keep deluding myself that I will start them ‘tomorrow’, of course when I get shouted at by my coach it will be a different matter. Necessity is the mother of all hangovers…
I think my issue with Tomorrow People is that every time they advertise a new start which doesn’t happen, they lose credibility (in my eyes at least). More importantly, they lose the possibly the chance of assistance from their peers who could really help them.
Show me your keen and committed, I will go to the ends of the earth to help you. Not help yourself though and come up with all the excuses you know, I’m afraid you’re on your own.
So, do you know any Tomorrow People?
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