Sunday, October 28, 2012

Autumn Fog

It was the first XC meet of the season today, this was going to be a Race Report post, but to be honest it could be written as one word – Meh.

Race was okay, although really tough. It was almost impossible to settle into a pace and I paid for it on the last lap. Instead of all my solo running, I’ve managed to do a few of my sessions recently with the squad, so it’s hard when the guys you train with shoot off into the distance and there’s nothing you can do to claw it back.

Training and racing elsewhere has it’s benefits for those of a fragile ego. But running near your limits and reaching that bit high isn’t there to massage to one’s ego. It’s a bitter pill to swallow at times.

To be honest, I probably reaped what I had sown the night before as some of the squad had met up on Lark Lane for a few drinks. I’m not solely going to be blaming alcohol though, it’s a symptom of a mini-malaise I’ve found myself in since Bristol.

I think having the training camp followed by the race weekend made a bit of a crescendo and I’ve come down to Earth with a bit of a bump. This, mixed in with a VERY busy week in work didn’t set me up well for racing today. But what happens happens; you learn from it and move on.

If anything, today has given me a little kick up the backside that I need. I think I’ve been guilty of taking my eye off the prize – comforting myself that XC would solve everything. There’s a lot of background work as well though. I think my legs are missing the double days, and although the ‘key’ sessions of speedwork, hills and long runs have been going well, I’ve been lacking with the all important base work. The easy miles and recovery runs have either been run too fast or without the respect they deserve.

Also, my diet has gone to shit lately. My hydration levels have been dreadful and there’s a subtle difference between eating guilt-free and shoving any old crap down your gullet, thinking “it doesn’t matter I’m running 50 miles this week” – I’m putting crap in and getting crap out.

So at the risk of turning into one of the “Tomorrow People” I wrote about a few months ago, only I can change this and get back into the groove.

Next week’s XC race is going to go a lot better. Mark My Words.

1 comment:

  1. Live to fight another day Mitch, we all have these days/times. Trick is recognising them and moving on.
