Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Going It Alone

I’m now well into the fourth week of my training plan. A routine of sorts has been set up and I’m getting used to the rigours of training six days a week. Had a heady mix of intervals, hill work, tempo runs, core work, not to mention long and recovery runs.

I’ve never been happier!

In fact, I keep wondering if I’m doing this right, as I get to the end of every session feeling on top of the world - knackered, of course, but ecstatic. It’s been a quiet revolution over the last few weeks. A change in the way I train and a change in the way I think about running. Being very goal orientated, I’ve taken to Nick’s training plan like a duck (or rower?) to water. Every session has a specific aim and something technical to think about –there is no such thing as a wasted session. Even over this short period I’ve felt myself getting stronger and more confident. We are doing a lot of work to get used to running at higher intensities and feeling relaxed. I can feel it working.

Training solo is a double-edged sword. I have found it hard initially, and sometimes would kill for some company as I head off on my own on Club nights. However, one of the things I know I need to work on is gaining confidence in my own running. I need to accept that I CAN do this, I have the tools/skills and that I can’t rely on anyone else to get me across the finish line.

This is probably the antithesis to your average crew rower (Scullers will roll their eyes and tut…Alison…). But only I can get my ass across that finish line on race day. Of course, I’m not completely alone as the encouragement I’ve had from squad mates has been wonderful and when I run I know they are buy my side. But after getting used to squad running, it’s strange to suddenly having your own steps and the sound of my breath for company.

By training at specific paces, I’m learning what my body can do in different circumstances and situations. This has a great calming effect. My first test is next week, with a 5K Time Trial next Saturday. As we’re down South I’m planning to go to the fabled Bushey Parkrun – very excited. It will be my first time running with others in a race situation and with my new head on. I will have to remember that I’m there for me, not what I can do in relation to everyone else.

Watching the VLM on Sunday was so inspirational and slightly emotional. It brought back many happy (and painful) memories of when I did it in 2010. I think I’ll be taking a cheeky punt in the ballot next Monday.

Next session tomorrow is a new type of run for me – the progression run. 45mins with the pace increasing every 15mins – Recovery to Steady to Threshold. 15 minutes of Threshold running, dear God. Four weeks ago I would have told you to stop being ridiculous, but now, in honesty I can’t wait

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