Spirits were high as we went into the afternoon. The lovely
weather only seemed to amplify the sense of occasion as we got ourselves ready
for the afternoon racing.
We were going to split the Novice 8 into two boats of coxed
fours. The Stern 4 of Liam, Alex, John and myself were going to go in Juliet,
the bow-loader and the Bow 4 were going to row in (pre-Iron Man Upgraded) Ted,
the Stern-loaded 4. Gemma would once again be our cox in Juliet.
I have a love-hate relationship with bow-loaded boats. Of
the two we were using, Juliet was certainly the better boat. But as a slightly-at-times
nervy Stroke man I liked having the Cox in front of me. Gemma was great at
focusing me on what needed to be done. For the Stroke, there is nothing but
clear air in front of you, so I usually ended up focusing on the rudder.
We hadn’t really practiced in the 4s and were racing them to
make up the day really. I can’t remember anything special happening on the way
down to the start. Sight spack probably, as we got ourselves sorted, but
nothing too major. The Coxed 4s were right at the back of the division so we
were going to have a long wait at the start. Luckily, the weather was good. The
first time I had raced at Northwich, the rain was lashing down and we were at the
start for about 90 minutes. Very grim.
The order of racing was as follows:
John O’Gaunt School
Grosvenor I (Us)
Grosvenor II (Ted)
of Bradford
The fact that a University crew had turned up unsettled me.
Our coach always warned us to be wary of crews that travel; they normally do it
for a reason. Indeed at the Start they glided up to the holding area looking
all cool and relaxed. Then they started practicing balancing exercises. “They’re
trying to scare us” I thought to myself. Normally, it would have worked but
that day, for some reason, I just thought “Wankers” and looked in the other
direction. There was a bit of friendly banter between the two Grosvenor boats. Gemma
is always great at the start line of a race, 10+ years of coxing has taught her
that most of the lads are shitting themselves and so she gabbled away diffusing
the tension.
Soon it was time to get going. The school boat was off
first, Gemma had warned us not to panic as schoolboys tend to go off like
rockets and knacker themselves out within 500m.
Our turn came “Grosvenor……..Go” and off we went.
We were obviously relaxed as the boat seemed to be running
quite well. We all know the strokes we should be taking and the fact that there
was a couple of “burly” (I mean athletic) blokes in the middle of the boat
meant that you could feel the power behind you. A couple of hundred meters from
the start Gemma called to us on the cox-box “Ignore what I’m about to say…”. I
was slightly puzzled until I heard
“CREW MOVE OVER MOVE OVER”. I think we all sat up a little
straighter at that and sure enough we inched past the John O’Gaunt Boat.
I remember thinking to myself “This is going quite well then”
but there was no time to dwell on that as the work was really kicking in.
The rest of the race seems like a bit of a blur now, but the
feeling of it has stayed with me like it was yesterday. The boat just kept
picking up speed and we kept passing crews. I couldn’t quite believe it at the time
but nothing else seemed to matter other an placing the blade in the water for the
next stroke and giving it everything.
Normally, when fatigue hits you have to silence the little
voice in your head that’s telling you to stop. This time, the voice was saying “You’re
all working your hardest, you are NOT going to be the one to let the others
down. Keep Going”. Actually, may have been Gemma who said that but anyways…
Stroke after stroke we sailed on, John was keeping my in
check and making me focus of the rhythm and run. As a boat we felt invincible and
soon we were within 500m of the finish. I think that is possibly why sport is
so popular. When you are in winning position, you feel like no-one can touch
you. All those hours/months/years of training are for those few seconds when no
one in the world can even get close to you. The push of the line worked like a
dream and the feeling of utter bliss as we crossed the finish….
In the book “The five people you meet in Heaven” the premise
is that “Heaven” is the place where you were the happiest in your life and you
get to live that for eternity. I think that moment, right there is definitely going
to be on the short list.
Years of frustration and hurt melted away for a brief second
(well, more accurately formed a rather loud swear word as I turned round and
bellowed “Guys, you are FUCKING AWESOME” and got a stern telling off from a Marshall.
During the later stages of the race I had noticed that the
Bradford Uni boat had been gaining position. They had passed the other
Grosvenor boat and the Mersey boat. It still
wasn’t clear who had one.
We got out and went off to de-rig the boat. I remember
texting Steve saying that I think we may have done it, but no-one was sure.
The wait for results when you are in the last division of a
head-race can seem like a life time. We where huddled by Northwich’s boathouse
waiting for them to come up on the projector screen.
Without warning, all of a sudden there they were. My eyes
couldn’t focus on the numbers and letters. There was one of the Bradford crew stood in front of me, I saw him turn round
and shake his head at a crew mate stood behind me. Could we have done it? I collected myself and looked at there screen
again. There it was…
Nov.4+ Grosvenor
RC GRO-Hawkins 09.19 **WINNER**
I yelped. John was by my side and gave me a hug. This couldn’t
be happening. Two wins in a day. I ran outside the hut to where Liam was standing
“Liam, we did it!”
I don’t know how I didn’t burst into tears at that point, but
I manned up and took the glory. The result of the next 15 mins is the photo you
see below. If ever I’m feeling down, I only need to look at this photo and I’ll
start smiling.
What happened during the rest of the summer doesn’t matter. For
the brief seconds when that photo was taken, everything was perfect.
How did it happen? I continue to ask myself to this day. I
think the answer is, we were having fun. Four lads and a cox doing what they loved
best in the world.
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