Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 In Review


Around this time of year, people often look back over the previous twelve months and try to come up with some concluding remarks about how it has all gone.

This time last year I was in a very different place to what I am now, with a different job, different training...hell a different sport with which to fill up my time. It was Christmastime last year when I finally decided that I’d done enough rowing. There was nothing really new that the sport could show me and the ups-and-downs over the previous couple of years had left me drained and a bit empty. As I think I’ve already mentioned on this blog, I was getting weary of saying “oh yes I’ve done this race … times”. It was nice that people seemed to seek or respect my opinion on things, but it was time to move on.

So what has 2012 brought to the table? Here are my running highlights from 2012

“That” Dingle Dash – Probably the first time I’d properly be pushed out of my comfort zone on a run. It was a scary place and I didn’t like it. However, it did me the world of good #BlameDave

Mad Dog – Finding I was nearly 5 minutes faster over 10k and suddenly having my eyes opened up to what was possible with the right training.

Northern Road Relay Championships – My first experience of a ‘club’ i.e. non-funrunner event. Wow, the speed those guys were travelling only made me want to work and train harder. The cheers I got from the PLS gang as well made me feel like a ‘proper’ member of the club.

The start of the revolution - Getting in contact with Nick Anderson at RunningWithUs. I had no idea what I was letting myself in for, but I knew that with the right training I could really push on. It’s been hard but I’ve loved every minute of it.

Finally made the Bushy Parkrun pilgrimage. It may have been a 120 mile round trip, but 800+ parkrunners was a sight to behold. Great course as well. First time racing went well and I started to believe in myself.

Welsh Castles Relay – Another great racing experience. Didn’t have a clue how to race it but just went with it and enjoyed the flow. I pounded my chest an gripped my vest over the finish line. Not through pain or an affectation, just pure pride for my club that between us we’d made it the whole way. That was a special moment. Then I coughed my lungs up.

Sub-20 5K and Thunder Run – TeamPLS on tour again. Up hill and down dale, though the night and the heat of the sun. Can’t wait for TR24 2013 – These guys are going to be ANIMALS

It has to be THAT Saturday - the most special day of my life so far. The Olympics were brilliant from beginning to end but words still fail me when I try and describe the buzz I had in the Olympic Stadium.

To many things to mention this month – 10th Place at the PARAs10 race, the wonderful training camp in Portugal or the stonking race at Bristol Half. Great month.

Nice month spent recovering from September, no to mention the appearance of the Lark Lane Wrong’uns

New 5K PB at the Lamplight and a VLM place for 2013. Also a 10K PB at Wesham and the realisation I can go sub-40 in the right race.

Meeting up with the GRC boys and realising that even though we don’t have a boat, we're still a crew. Christmas Day running and a chance to reflect on the year, over 1800 miles ran, 30 races/parkruns entered and a big smile on my face.

It’s true that the best bits of this year have been done with other people. One of my greatest realisations has been that I’m not making this journey alone. There is, and always have been, a group of people at my side giving support and encouragement (and the occasional butt-kick when needed).

I am very, very lucky to have met some very inspiring people on the way. This blog post would ramble even more if I listed them all but special mentions for:

PLS Squad – For kicking my butt and starting it all off
Simon Freeman – Without knowing it, helping me realise I can make a go of this.
Nick and the RWU Crew – Daily inspiration and perspiration.

And of course the most important of all

Steve – Providing wind beneath my wings and a place to land when I occasionally fall. I couldn’t do any of this without his wisdom and encouragement.

Happy New Year Folks, London’s Calling…

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