Monday, December 3, 2012

Idiots Guide to XC

Just when you thought that they couldn’t possibly be any more space left for mud to attach itself to your body, another mud pie flies at your face from the spikes of the guy you are trying to overtake...

Yes, Cross-Country (XC) season is upon us. This is my maiden season of XC and I thought I’d put together a few tips that have helped me through the quagmire (literally) over the past few weeks.

1. Yes, you need spikes
The number of times I’ve spoken with runners after races who’ve confessed to being like Bambi on ice through most of the course as they weren’t wearing spikes. A decent pair of spikes are worth their weight in gold, and are often a lot cheaper than other running shoes.  Don’t put it off, get to the shop today...and buy 15mm spikes. They look lethal but you’ll thank me for it. On a related note...

2. Look after your spikes
Yes it’s a ball-ache, but clean your spikes after a race with stiff brush and water to remove all the excess crud and then pack the insides with newspaper and leave under a radiator for a few days. You get nice clean, dry, shiny shoes for every race and they will last longer than if you throw them in a kit bag only to emerge festering a week later.

3. Every race is different
Don’t worry if you have an absolute nightmare in your first race (I did!). Every course is different and will have different changes. Some are better for flat runners, some are better for mountain goats. But over the course of a season you’re bound to find at least one you really like...and added motivation to conquer the others next year!

4. Believe in your team
We don’t often get the chance to compete in team competitions. Everyone is there to look out for each other and make sure your club gets the higher placings. If you see someone trying to be ninja and overtake a club mate, warn them. Work together on the course to push each other on as all will benefit.

5.  When the going gets tough, dig in
XC can feel very different to road racing as the ground will sap the energy from your legs. Just remember, its doing the same to everyone else. Don’t give them the advantage by letting them pull away.  Use your spikes to get on your toes and dig in, you’ll be amazed at the difference it can make. There’s always a point on the last lap where everyone things “Will this never end!” so power on through it and go for glory.

6.  Starting Position is important
If you’re looking for a final placing in the top half of the field, don’t start too far back out of politeness Get Stuck in. Those in front of you will probably be going slower and will just become more obstacles to get round, making it harder to get that all important ticket with a low number on at the finish.

7.  Enjoy it!
Yes it’s tough, but every time you race you will be making yourself an better runner, and those spring/summer goals will be that bit more achievable. Thing about how much of a strength workout you are gaining and pushing your VO2Max to new highs.

Hope this helps - good luck in your racing and remember to race strong. XC is the shining example of

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